I may have a slight obsession with pineapple's and flamingo's and I might have passed that obsession on to my daughter.
Her 6th birthday is coming up at the end of May and when I asked her what theme she wanted to go with she enthusiastically said a "Pineapple Party mom!" as we talked about it we talked about incorporating our love of the "pink bird" and the theme sort of just evolved. Of course I did my usual Pinterest board stalking to find different idea's. I have found so many adorable ideas, like the fun summer party over at Kelly Golightly ( I am in LOVE with her retro style!) and fun and sparkly pineapple garland from TomCat Studio!
I always find myself searching in the archives of Studio DIY, OhGoodieDesigns, Style Me Pretty and the Hostess with the Mostess! for party inspo. They had some great tropical themes for me to get idea's from.
I love making my own inspiration boards so I can print them out and keep them on my desk to keep the party on my mind and to keep me inspired, along with Pinterest it is a great way to organize my parties! I love PICASA! It is free and I was able to create this fun collage with minimal effort.
It started off as a tropical luau type of idea but I find myself heading more towards the vintage palm springs meets retro miami trailer park. Ha. It is supposed to be a simple and small party because planning two birthday parties within three weeks of each other is going to be tough! So I am starting early. My little brain is going crazy with ideas for the invitations. so many idea's I love and I can not decide on anything final.
Hopefully I can get those done and a list completed of ideas I want to use for sure by the end of this week!