We had another beach day this weekend!
Isabella terrorized her brother per usual.
We went to Dockweiler Beach in LA to celebrate my friend Karissa's birthday!
She always does such a cute job of making simple get together's so fun and festive.
It was nice to catch up with friends I don't get to see everyday/week!
The kids loved it, our friends are very much family so they feel at home anytime we go to any get together. They all do a great job of including them. Makaio finally got some time with Auntie Kadie!
It was a little to much for Kai and Makaio though, they passed on the beach!
Excited to join in on Weekly Wishes over at The Nectar Collective!
Last weeks goals:
1. Love more. Yell less. I have definitely reminded myself on a daily basis about this. I have learned that doing this is HARD. VERY VERY HARD. However yelling less has been very rewarding. I have had amazing conversations with my daughter. This will be a daily goal forever I think.
2. Spring Cleaning. This was a half success. I cleaned out all of Makaio's closed and got them sorted and packaged up to send to two different friends. Now I need to conquer my daughters.
3. Sign up for school. Kind of. I did not finish my registration, however I did take care of the balance I had with the school. This was preventing me from enrolling so I am glad this is out of the way. Next step is meeting with a counselor.
My Goals this week:
1. Make alone time for Kai and I. We get caught up in kids and work and just being plain exhausted! It would be nice to do something like take a walk on the beach or have dinner alone with no phones and no work! Just some time to just focus on us.
2. Cut my soda intake! I have been drinking soda like CRAZY. It seriously an issue. I did so well for a year and rarely even touched soda! Now I am addicted. Starting today I need to seriously kick that habit.
3. Follow through with school. I paid my balance now I have to follow through and make an appointment and actually go to said appointment with a counselor. The entire process feels so daunting, however I know it will be so rewarding when I am actually done!
I can not believe it is Thursday! I seriously have been falling behind on all of to do's!